Friday, July 12, 2013

Starting out

This blog will start with an official warning: it is my first blog... ever. You have been warned. Boredom is what brought the writer in me out, so I don't expect much excitement from what comes out on paper (in this case, computer screen).

So let us begin with the topic of the year, ME. A little about me maybe? Nah... let's talk about what I will be enduring in the next few months ahead- fights with hubby about money, bills, raising our child, and the possible growth of our family.. On and also talk about the loneliness that will be my friend when he will leave for a whole month in August to visit his family in Ukraine, as much as we fight, I will miss him like crazy. I am trying to be the awesome supportive wife that doesn't mind that he goes, but dang, I kind of regret helping him buy those tickets now...

SO, brilliant me came up with a FABULOUS idea (if my legs weren't so pudgy at the moment or sore for that matter, I would kick myself for this) and that is to log onto and join up with a coach (a mother like me who has been through this hell) and start a journey to WEIGHT LOSS!!!! So my plan is to work my butt off, or more like work my butt out into a perfect hard specimen of  DAAMMMNNNN GIRL! hehehe... Anyway, the plan is to start the workouts and diet plan now, and when hubby comes back from Ukraine, I will look semi HAWT (cuz come on now, it got a lot of chunk on this body, it will take longer than 6weeks to destroy and chisel it into perfection)... Good plan right? I am hoping that at least he won't recognize me at first at the airport when he comes back, for at least a second ;)

Anyway, onto the serious stuff now.... I feel the need to talk about my body and working out: This is going to be my workout journal/venting blog... fascinating, I know!

What I find super frustrating is trying to understand why I am obese by BMI standards. I eat well and stay semi active (more active now then before). It frustrates me to no end that I give up so easily on my goals when it comes to weight loss. I put pictures on the fridge to motivate me but instead it just depresses me that I am no longer the person I used to be.
I make excuses, just like everyone else I know... typical things like I work full time and am a mom and wife full time so I have no work out time... and that is completely NOT TRUE. I know that is a lie and I keep saying it! My husband assures me that I don't have to cook dinner, especially if I go to the gym, he supports that, he truly does! As for my two year old son, he LOVES the gym daycare, since he typically stays with my  mom while I work, he loves the interaction with the other kids while I work out- so I should be hitting the gym everyday day, its not an inconvinience on my family in ANY way, yet I don't. Its shameful and I hate it!
My coworkers tell me I am too hard on myself, that I look FINE. I disagree. I get tired while walking up a flight of stairs, my joints hurt, my metabolism is way off... I could go on and on. And plus, I want to accomplish SOMETHING for myself. I want to get healthy and do a 5k in 30min or less, then do a 10k, move onto a half marathon and one day, to do a full marathon. I want to do a full marathon. That is on my bucket list and I cannot do that with the body that I have now. 
So I am starting a blog... I am doing a few second videos to motivate myself and to maybe post eventually to motivate others because the reason I found SLIM IN 6 that got me to and on this page to blog was motivational self videos of real people in real life who posted their journeys on youtube. I watch those videos and I push myself to get started again, to move forward, to not give up. And I would like to think that one day, when I beat obesity, I can post my video journey online and I would be happy if it helped even just ONE person to get motivated again after falling into a "I can't do this, I am meant to be fat" hole...
I'm at the bottom of that hole at the moment, and looking up, I can see a little tiny bit of the sky peeking out, and I see a ladder that I need to use to get out of that hole... The rungs of the damn ladder are simple yet I failed at it already several times; first rung is setting a goal (Got my foot on that and moving UP!) Second rung is identifying a good daily diet (Pulling myself up that rung and moving onto the next) 3rd rung is Slim in 6... my fingers are just barely touching that and I am determined to use the first two rungs to push myself up so I can reach that 3rd rung completely and move onto the 4th rung... I'm thinking INSANITY maybe? :) Hey, the image works in my head, so I'm going with it ;)
Well, this is my first attempt at a blog post- not sure if anyone will ever read it, but heck, I kinda like it! Onto a good night sleep and tomorrow is another day...