Monday, May 30, 2016

Just a vent

I think too much blame is being put on the mom in the gorilla incident, which is sad. She wasn't sitting on a bench completely ignoring her kid while he decided to climb into the enclosure. Immediately assuming the mom was neglectful sucks.

Now a days no matter what you do, you're doing it wrong... all the people yelling "put him in a stroller or on a leash" are probably the same ones that in a normal situation will say "he's too old for a stroller, let time breathe a little, you helicopter parent" and "leashes are for animals! Parent  better!"

I could get offended that so many people are implying I'm not a good parent if my kid isn't tied to my side. Jonathan is just as crazy as the next 4yr old boy out there, he won't sit in a stroller and if we go to the zoo, i let him go to the fence to see closer while I'm in the back with david (who is in a stroller). We go to the zoo for him to see animals, not people's backs which would be the case if i keep him glued to me. So i guess now I'm a bad parent by some standards 🤔

And honestly, i can't imagine how the mom feels, she was taking a picture and all of the sudden people start to panic and you have no idea what is going on.. and then you realize your baby isn't holding on to your pocket anymore. The shock, terror, confusion... and now i imagine she probably doesn't feel safe to even leave the house.. I've read so many nasty comments aimed at the mother, comparing her to casey anthony, demanding cps to get her kids away from get etc... it's just sad.

I do truly believe something like this could happen to anyone, no matter how well you parent or control or restrain your baby..

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Open letter to the "bachelor" husband

This is an open letter to the husbands who lead a double life..

To the husband who has those single friends, we all know what single friends I'm  talking about. The ones who call when there's a party they just have to hit up.

To the husband who has those married friends too, whose wives don't complain as much as you about his plans.

To the husband that says, "You seemed fine that I was leaving, why is this such a problem now?"

To the husband that doesn't answer your calls at 2am, and later says he didn't want to upset you with his drunk voice.

To the husband that says you're overreacting, it was just a guys night out.

And finally, to the husband that breaks his promise..

Maybe if you opened your eyes and saw your wife, you would see her eyes well up when your phone dings, knowing that you are leaving again, knowing she's going to be alone again, knowing the kids won't see their dad for bedtime story... again. But there's a party, a concert with last minute tickets, a couple beers to celebrate a birthday with the guys, so you don't look at your wife as she asks if you'll be late. You don't make eye contact as she leans in for a kiss goodbye.

And your married buddies may brag that their wives don't care, but I assure you,  as a wife who sometimes tries so hard not to care, it's not true. Your friends don't see their wives, their tears, their pain, just as you fail to see your wife before you.

And maybe she put on her brave face, knowing that nothing will change your mind when you leave. It looks like she's fine as you head out the door. What you don't see is her bowing her head as tears break loose when she hears your car drive off. She seems fine because she knows if she fights you on your decision, you will leave angry. And she also, maybe just a tiny bit, hopes that by pretending not to care, the pain won't be as bad...

And sure, you want to look like the good guy, protecting your wife from your drunken voice and profanity. But really, she's trying to get a hold of you because she heard there's been an accident in the area you were going to be. She wants to hear your voice to know you're okay. She's sitting at home, wringing her hands, sick to her stomach that something has happened and sleep eludes her completely.

And she might be overreacting to you, since you don't see her sitting alone in a dark room, startled at every sound she hears. It might be overreacting to you,  since your friends are free to do what they want and you're tied down and controlled by her. But she knows you get handsy when you drink and she knows you're at a nightclub.. her mind goes places no wife should imagine, of grinding and groping on a dance floor with strangers. Her heart is ripping in half when she later sees the call list and notices you only didnt take her calls that night. All other calls you answered and even called people back. She feels alone, hated, discarded... so she might seem like she's overreacting to you.

And a promise... even small, between you and your wife should be sacred. But to you it's just words, words you say so she doesn't cry or beg for you to stay... you promise it's one drink, you promise no clubs, you promise it's only an hour, maybe two. Each broken promise weighs her down, she wants to believe, she does believe... but morning comes and she's alone on the couch... holding her phone, the call log showing the calls you won't answer... she meets each sunrise, because she can't sleep, she's worried. She's angry. She's once again heartbroken.

So, to the bachelor husband, who's living a double life, I say to you in hopes that you aren't too late... open your eyes and look at your partner in this life. She may be the mother of your children already, or she had dreams to be in the future. She will look different than the girl you dated, who loved to be out all night by your side. She will have bags under her eyes from lack of sleep. If you look close enough, you might even see the pain in her eyes from the weight she carries and you'll see that she's oh so tired. Before it's too late, look at your wife and remember why you married her. Remember the vows you made to her. Remember telling her you won't ever hurt her. She doesn't deserve the pain, the shame, nor the anger that burdens her. Before it's too late, look at your wife and ask yourself, does she really deserve to be married to a bachelor?

Monday, May 16, 2016

Starting out... take 2

What do you know... time to start this again. Yes, it has been 3 years since my last attempt to get fit. I have since had another boy, and he's a handful. The husband and i still fight about bills and finances, and I am actually now a stay at home mom to my boys. Yep,no more sitting behind a computer for this momma!

So, slim in 6 didnt last, I failed at it. I should be ashamed, but life is life and I'm learning to not beat myself up over the past. I can't control that, so onto the future! I made some pretty bold goals to help me achieve greatness. Getting to that first tiny goal was so invigorating, yes it was just 5lbs and probably only water weight but boy, getting that pedicure was so satisfying. I earned it! I'm excited to meet each goal, I already picked out my new workout outfit, just need to get to that goal! I'll do it and be proud.

Also, I am doing the new Bikini Body Mommy challenge  (#bbmc5)... the first day was today and it was an 8minute fit test. Wow did I do miserably! But, what did i expect, I'm an obese woman trying to do squats for the first time in ages. I'm excited to see what changes my body will go through in the next 90 days. I'm very optimistic that I'll survive to tell about it!

Time for some beauty sleep before the real workout airs tomorrow... my brain is already trying to make excuses as to why I can't do it... STOP IT! Stupid brain just wants cupcakes and ribs... mmmm ribs...

Friday, July 12, 2013

Starting out

This blog will start with an official warning: it is my first blog... ever. You have been warned. Boredom is what brought the writer in me out, so I don't expect much excitement from what comes out on paper (in this case, computer screen).

So let us begin with the topic of the year, ME. A little about me maybe? Nah... let's talk about what I will be enduring in the next few months ahead- fights with hubby about money, bills, raising our child, and the possible growth of our family.. On and also talk about the loneliness that will be my friend when he will leave for a whole month in August to visit his family in Ukraine, as much as we fight, I will miss him like crazy. I am trying to be the awesome supportive wife that doesn't mind that he goes, but dang, I kind of regret helping him buy those tickets now...

SO, brilliant me came up with a FABULOUS idea (if my legs weren't so pudgy at the moment or sore for that matter, I would kick myself for this) and that is to log onto and join up with a coach (a mother like me who has been through this hell) and start a journey to WEIGHT LOSS!!!! So my plan is to work my butt off, or more like work my butt out into a perfect hard specimen of  DAAMMMNNNN GIRL! hehehe... Anyway, the plan is to start the workouts and diet plan now, and when hubby comes back from Ukraine, I will look semi HAWT (cuz come on now, it got a lot of chunk on this body, it will take longer than 6weeks to destroy and chisel it into perfection)... Good plan right? I am hoping that at least he won't recognize me at first at the airport when he comes back, for at least a second ;)

Anyway, onto the serious stuff now.... I feel the need to talk about my body and working out: This is going to be my workout journal/venting blog... fascinating, I know!

What I find super frustrating is trying to understand why I am obese by BMI standards. I eat well and stay semi active (more active now then before). It frustrates me to no end that I give up so easily on my goals when it comes to weight loss. I put pictures on the fridge to motivate me but instead it just depresses me that I am no longer the person I used to be.
I make excuses, just like everyone else I know... typical things like I work full time and am a mom and wife full time so I have no work out time... and that is completely NOT TRUE. I know that is a lie and I keep saying it! My husband assures me that I don't have to cook dinner, especially if I go to the gym, he supports that, he truly does! As for my two year old son, he LOVES the gym daycare, since he typically stays with my  mom while I work, he loves the interaction with the other kids while I work out- so I should be hitting the gym everyday day, its not an inconvinience on my family in ANY way, yet I don't. Its shameful and I hate it!
My coworkers tell me I am too hard on myself, that I look FINE. I disagree. I get tired while walking up a flight of stairs, my joints hurt, my metabolism is way off... I could go on and on. And plus, I want to accomplish SOMETHING for myself. I want to get healthy and do a 5k in 30min or less, then do a 10k, move onto a half marathon and one day, to do a full marathon. I want to do a full marathon. That is on my bucket list and I cannot do that with the body that I have now. 
So I am starting a blog... I am doing a few second videos to motivate myself and to maybe post eventually to motivate others because the reason I found SLIM IN 6 that got me to and on this page to blog was motivational self videos of real people in real life who posted their journeys on youtube. I watch those videos and I push myself to get started again, to move forward, to not give up. And I would like to think that one day, when I beat obesity, I can post my video journey online and I would be happy if it helped even just ONE person to get motivated again after falling into a "I can't do this, I am meant to be fat" hole...
I'm at the bottom of that hole at the moment, and looking up, I can see a little tiny bit of the sky peeking out, and I see a ladder that I need to use to get out of that hole... The rungs of the damn ladder are simple yet I failed at it already several times; first rung is setting a goal (Got my foot on that and moving UP!) Second rung is identifying a good daily diet (Pulling myself up that rung and moving onto the next) 3rd rung is Slim in 6... my fingers are just barely touching that and I am determined to use the first two rungs to push myself up so I can reach that 3rd rung completely and move onto the 4th rung... I'm thinking INSANITY maybe? :) Hey, the image works in my head, so I'm going with it ;)
Well, this is my first attempt at a blog post- not sure if anyone will ever read it, but heck, I kinda like it! Onto a good night sleep and tomorrow is another day...